

1102 folks:

Let's use this site to make notes about selfies. Between now and Thursday, check your phones and social media accounts for examples of selfies (your own or your friends'). Pay attention to the objects that appear in the selfies and the environments in which selfies are taken, taking note of anything you see more than once. Our goal is to create an updated list of common objects that appear in 21st-century vanitas art, aka the selfie.

Each of you should contribute at least 3 items to this site before class on Thursday. These items should be objects that appear in selfies (ideally with some regularity) or settings/backgrounds/environments in which people create selfies. DO NOT upload any of your friends' selfies without their permission. Rather, when you decide on an object (a mirror, for example), you can simply search online for an image (or possibly a video or website) of a mirror that is in the public domain or creative-commons licensed. Use creativecommons.org or wikimedia commons to search for items.

Instructions for adding:

In the Dashboard, click Add an Item. In the Dublin Core section, include a Title, a short Description of the item and why you chose it (also include your name in the description), a link to the Source, and the name of the creator, if available. In the Item Type Metadata section, choose an Item type from the drop-down menu. Identify the Original Format and Physical Dimensions if available. In the Collection section, choose the appropriate Collection (Objects in Selfies or Environments in Selfies). In the File section, upload the image file. In the Tags section, create a tag that identifies the item (it can be the same as the Title). 

Be sure to tag every item you add. In class, we'll use the tags to discover patterns and repeated elements.

If you have trouble, please visit this helpful website for instructions on how to navigate Omeka.