



I am a loaf of bread
Within me are carbohydrates, a nutrient used for energy in animals.
You can consume me, or you can let me go to waste,
Watch as I become the home to a wide array of mold and fungus.
Watch as they feed off of me,
Growing thicker and slimier until the thrifty rat comes along.
He does not mind my spoiled nature.
Watch as he nibbles into me with no regard for taste.
All he worries about is sustaining his life,
So he too can reproduce and carry on the rat existence.
He knows his time is limited, just as I know mine is.
He does not fret, for he knows my energy will keep him alive as long as is necessary.
When he has digested me, and taken from my energy sources what he needs,
Watch as he spits me out in his tight miniature balls of brown sludge,
So that I can pass on what little life I have left in me
To any flies daring enough to swoop down and eat me.
Watch as any of my remains dissolve into the soil,
Leeching my final remnants into the growing wheat plants.
Watch as they live my life just as I did, awaiting death and thus rebirth.


Date Added
February 11, 2014
“??,” Vanitas Selfies, accessed May 18, 2024, https://selfies.omeka.net/items/show/267.