The Demon Within


The Demon Within


A poem referring back to the image


Never to be seen,
Let me peer over your shoulder,
The sneaky devil I am.
Upon a flick I shall vanish,
Till next time. I always stalk you.

One finger on my red planet,
and another to the gate,
I puppeteer your arms to find my home.
Guidance through the constellations,
My friends from above.

Mere human,
Take another journey with me.
With the reigns in my hand,
Head to the gate upon nightfall.

A poem can have many reasons behind it serving as the base inspiration or purpose. One such topic is one not heard of too often but exists in our everyday lives. Object-oriented ontology (OOO) is the idea of putting things at the center and leveling the playing field for all objects, things, concepts, and beings alike (Bogost). From the choice of words to the deeper meanings behind them, ideas and supernatural beings come to life through my writing.
The poem I have written exemplifies OOO through obscure yet intriguing wording. The main character is this “demon” being which is the shadow in the back of the man. Shadows are not living beings in any sense, but the poem is being told by his point of view. The shadow has humanistic qualities such as being sneaky; the way he creeps over the man’s back and peers onward. He makes use of his special talent to disappear when light is turned on, yet it sounds as though a man hiding upon an action being taken. He sounds extra creepy by taking on the persona of a stalker who never leaves your side, for a man will always have a shadow so long as darkness exists. The shadow has all the control as the shadow controls the man’s arms, not the man himself. He makes reference to holding on reigns attached to the human. This demon even commands the human to take him out and about on another adventure!
The poem’s storyline brings about other objects coming to life other than just the demon. He refers to the globe glowing red as his home planet, Hell. This poem makes it sound as though one can enter Hell through a gate on Earth. Not to get religious, but Hell most likely isn’t just some gate you can walk up to on Earth and pass through to enter. Another reference to objects that aren’t alive but have life-like qualities and importance are constellations in the sky. The demon sarcastically refers to these stars as being his friends for he can use them as a guide to wherever he is headed to.

Works Cited
Bogost, Ian. "What Is Object-Oriented Ontology?" Ian Bogost. Web. 06 Feb. 2014.


Sena Oran


Date Added
February 21, 2014
Sena Oran, “The Demon Within,” Vanitas Selfies, accessed May 18, 2024,